Bedside Table
Everyone needs a bedside table. When you sleep and need to wake up at 7 am the next day, how could you possibly wake up without an alarm clock. And where will you place your alarm clock? After reading a good book, do you have to walk all the way to your bookshelf to return it? Where do you put your glasses if you do not have a bedside table? Or your phone? Or your earphones? Or your wallet? Where would you place your lamp, unless you have a standing one which is not very suitable for bedrooms?
Bedside tables are pieces of furniture that are often overlooked at home but they are actually very important. They are not just decorative items but items of functionality. Bedside tables also add design to your room as well as balance. You may place two bedside tables on both sides of your bed, one for you and your husband. Or you may have one just for you. Or you may even have both for yourself, say your Himalayan salt lamp is on the bedside table to the right and you have your diffuser on the left.
There are also so many things that you can place on top of your bedside table. You may place some books known as your TBR or to-be-read pile in it for easy access when you read before going to bed. You may place some of the cool lamps you see on social media these days. You may have your water bottle and some snacks on your bedside table. Plus points if it has a drawer, then you can store your valuables inside. You may even have your skincare products on your bedside table or inside it if it has storage underneath. Indeed, having a bedside table is a must as it simply makes day-to-day life a lot easier!