Making Painted Bathroom Vanities Yourself
Painted bathroom vanities are taking over and it is easy to understand why. They offer greater flexibility in terms of color choice and they have a distinctive look. To a certain degree, they have a vintage aspect to them. It also makes much more sense to restore old bathroom vanities by painting them.
As part of a home renovation project, painted bathroom vanities can be done in two ways. The easier way is to get a regular bathroom vanity and either paint it yourself or purchase it already painted. Furniture manufacturers should offer you this option. If you like DIY projects, it would be much more fun to do it yourself.
If you want to restore old bathroom vanity furniture, you will need a few supplies. First of all, old paint need to be stripped off. You will need a paint stripper for the job. What you should keep in mind that these chemical substances can be dangerous and it is recommended to handle them while wearing gloves and glasses. Once the paint is removed, it is important to white the surface with a piece of cloth damped in clean water. It will help remove the paint stripper that may still be on the wood surface.
With the paint removed, you are ready to start working on your painted bathroom vanities. Regardless if you paint an old piece of bathroom furniture or a new one, the process is the same. You will have to pick the paint, the color and use soft brushes.
As for color choices, you need to match the color of the paint with the rest of the bathroom. For example, if you have light gray walls, you can use dark gray for the painted bathroom vanities. You will also want to use the same paint color for all the furniture and avoid using a different color for different pieces of bathroom furniture.